Coletterie for the past 12 weeks have been conducting a wardobe survey of sorts to help its readers to get a better understanding how they are affect by fashion and how it is reflected in their wardobes. I had downloaded week's 1 worksheet a few weeks ago and just decided today to begin the journey. So here it goes.
On average, we are exposed to over x ads a day, all designed to elicit responses and get you to buy and to want.
On top of that, if you’re spending time on the internet, you’re likely also being treated to a barrage of images of trends, status, and desire. You find yourself comparing your home, wardrobe, and life to the seemingly perfect ones you see online.
Is it any wonder we lose the sense of what our tastes actually are?
This week, let’s look a little bit deeper than the flashy and new. Let’s think about how we’re different, and how that affects our aesthetic choices.
How has your personal history informed the way you dress? When did your tastes crystalize? Have they changed over the years, and why?
Well, I feel my fashion history was formed by my mother who believed in keeping it simple. She wasn't the flashy type. She always look pulled together and even her makeup was applied minimalistly. However, she was not one to be stagnat. She encouraged me to keep things looking fresh by never wear my hair same way everyday.Change it up.
For my style, the more unique the better (within in reason of course). Especially when it came to accesories. I ove handbags and jewelry with something uncommon. I still look for that in my accessories today.
In clothes, my tastes have shifted over the years. I have gone from wearing mostly dresses and skirts to pantssuits, and jeans, to the point that my wardobe is serverly deficient in ddresses and skirts.
What I have come to realize that now that I want a more sophsicated yet fun and a little edgy wardobe. I don't want to look like I trying to be too young. I want to be pulled together and comfy.
Hopefully by the end of this Wardobe Architect I will have a better understanding of my personal fashion style and a wardobe to reflect it.
Until next time....
Oooh you're making me want to do this. That was a great read.
Thanks Nakisha. My wardobe is in need of some definition right now. I hope this helps.
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