Helpful Tips

Monday, June 24, 2013

Pressing Matters

Every sewists know how important pressing is to sewing. Properly pressing a garment makes all the difference between homemade and handmade. Crisp seams and sharp pleats cannot be achieved without pressing. It is even worse when ones iron dies while sewing a project, Ugh..... Well I am experiences that right now. I am finding it really hard to iron without steam, because my iron no longer holds water. Using my fingers to "spray" water is not cutting it. Oh it still heats up, but without steam its difficult to get that professional look. So I've been shopping the interweb for a new budget-friendly new iron. One with verical steam capabilities. I have my eye on one, just need to pull the trigger and I need to do it very soooooooooooon.
Back to the interweb.......

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